
移动? 别忘了对pp王者电子官网也做些调整

Find out if you just transfer insurance to the new address or if you need new coverage.

我们都知道压力有多大 移动 能不能有一个巨大的 任务列表. You might be asking yourself — do I need to change insurance when I move? And making new insurance arrangements might not jump out as your first priority.

但帮你自己一个忙,别等了. 这个过程并不像看起来那么艰难. Below are a few key questions to consider about 移动 and transferring insurance to help get you going in the right direction.


Get in touch with your current agent — you can ask your agent about the process, 包括你是否需要找一个新的代理商, how to transfer insurance to another state and the insurance requirements in your new location.

If you want to find a 状态 Farm® agent in your new neighborhood, you can use the pg电子官方网页版 页面和搜索您的邮政编码. You'll see a map of offices and a list of agent profiles, including contact info.





If you're 移动 between states, keep in mind that insurance coverage varies across states. For example, in California, due to the high risk of 地震, you may want to take special precautions to make sure your home is safe and secure in case an earthquake occurs. 佛罗里达州的情况可能不是这样!

大多数州的法律都要求你 房产pp王者电子官网 在你买房子之前. 如果你有州立医疗pp王者电子官网, you may be able to get a prorated credit from your old homeowners policy when you purchase a new policy in a different state.


Depending on how you've chosen to move — hired movers, rental truck, a 便携式容器, or DIY in the back of your car — your property may or may not be covered between the time it leaves your home and arrives at its final destination. Some homeowner policies will cover your property everyw在这里, regardless of whether it's in your home or in a 移动 truck. Other policies won't cover anything once it's out your door. This is something many people don't think about, so check your policy or call your agent.

If your own insurance policy doesn't cover your property and it’s damaged during the move, 你能负担得起全部更换吗? If not, 移动 insurance might be worth it and you can look into 通过你的搬家公司投保 来保护你的行动. 根据联邦法律, 移动 companies have to offer supplemental insurance for your property that will cover a set percentage of replacement costs, but you might need to increase that amount to get full coverage.


Different states also have different auto insurance laws. And if you're 移动 to a new state, you'll need a new 汽车pp王者电子官网单 -简单明了. 当你搬到另一个州时,考虑一下这些建议.

  • Do not cancel your current auto insurance before 移动 and getting a new policy. Driving across state lines without auto insurance is not only illegal, it could also affect your finances if you're involved in an accident.
  • 搬家前不买新的汽车pp王者电子官网. The laws and policies in your new state might not match your current ones, 而且成本会因州而异, 具体位置和通勤距离.

看看我们的其他文章可能会有所帮助 计划搬家.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 州立农场互助汽车pp王者电子官网公司 and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. The information is not intended to replace manuals, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.

This is only a general description of coverages and is not a statement of contract. 覆盖范围或限制的细节在一些州有所不同. 所有险别均以本合同条款为准, 规定, pp王者电子官网单本身的免责条款和条件, 在背书方面.



状态 Farm County Mutual pp王者电子官网 Company of Texas




T在这里’s one ready to offer personalized service to fit your specific needs.



A to do list for 移动 will help ease the transition, making it less stressful and chaotic.


Tips for selecting a rental storage unit, packing personal possessions and insurance for storage.


If you're 移动, it's time to plan, gather packing supplies, purge and pack all your belongings.


移动 insurance can help you stay covered and protect your move. Before you purchase 移动 insurance, read these basics.