
帮助ing you and your family prepare and recover from tornadoes and other severe storms.

受龙卷风影响的客户可以 在网上提出索赔, 通过State Farm®移动应用程序, by calling 1-800-SFCLAIM or by contacting your local agent office.



不要等着你手机上的警笛声或警报. 以下是如何准备 now in case a tornado comes your way.


If your area is under a tornado watch or tornado warning, it's time to be prepared and take action. 记住这些龙卷风安全提示.


When the calm before the tornado becomes the chaos after it, 使用这些提示来帮助恢复和保持安全.


How a storm shelter or safe room can help protect against severe weather

Constructing a storm shelter space within your home can help protect you from natural disasters and weather emergencies.


How to stay safe from these winds that can severely damage homes, landscapes and people.


Preparing for a severe storm or wind emergency may help minimize damage to your property.


When severe weather looms, see that your home or small business is prepared for a power failure.


Hail can cause injury and damage your home and possessions. 以下是如何准备.


It's helpful to know how to drive safely in ice, snow, rain, fog and other inclement weather.


High temperatures, humidity, strong winds and hurricanes can really take a toll on homes. 你有没有想过用防风窗来保护自己?



Consider putting together a checklist for yourself and a list of important information about your child, 家人和家帮你准备保姆.

How a storm shelter or safe room can help protect against severe weather

Constructing a storm shelter space within your home can help protect you from natural disasters and weather emergencies.


天气紧急情况可能会吓到你的孩子, but helping them understand what to expect can help reduce the stress.



A home inventory can expedite insurance claims process after theft, damage or loss.

淹没了地下室? 常见原因如何处理

潮湿的地下室问题可能会花费你数千美元. Here are steps to help identify the source of the water and ways to minimize your risk.


下次你需要更新pp王者电子官网单的时候, consider taking these steps to make sure you understand what your coverages are.

What you need to know about replacement cost vs market value

Learn the difference between replacement cost value and market value coverage to make an informed decision when purchasing home insurance.

What is individual liability insurance and what does it cover?

Liability insurance is typically a portion of the coverage for a home or 车辆 policy. A Personal Liability Umbrella Policy may be another viable option for further protection.


什么是个人财产及意外伤害pp王者电子官网? Learn more information on automobile, homeowners, watercraft, condo, renters and more.



Whether you're buying a home with one or thinking of installing, 在这里's what to know.


If your area got hit hard with a catastrophe or weather event, 见不得人的承包商可能会上门维修. 学习一些可以帮助你发现它们的技巧.




Before jumping into a home or apartment project, weigh the pros and cons of a DIY approach vs. 雇佣专业人士.


如果你想换个屋顶, now's a great time to upgrade to sturdier materials to create an impact-resistant roof that may save you time, 金钱和麻烦在路上.

Whole house water leak detection systems with automatic shut-off

Learn how to help prevent costly water damage and the different water leak detection systems with automatic shutoff valves available on the market today.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with State Farm® (including State Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. State Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.